My journey through the field of professional software development has been guided by multiple travel guides. Their knowledge and support can be requested at the book store of your trust (disclaimer: in the best scenario your company’s company name does not include the name of a river). Make sure to really internalize that there are many travel guides out there which are worth being consulted when you are starting off on your journey…
Enjoy the ride and safe travels!
IT and Software Development (… in the broadest sense)
- The Pragmatic Programmer, 20th Anniversary Edition (Thomas, David & Hunt, Andrew)
- Clean Coder, The: A Code of Conduct For Professional Programmers (Robert C. Martin)
- Pragmatic Thinking And Learning – Refactor Your Wetware (Hunt, Andrew)
- The Mythical Man Month (Brooks, Frederick)
- The Passionate Programmer (Fowler, Chad)
- Beyond Legacy Code (Bernstein, Carl)
- Working Effectively with Legacy Code (Feathers, Michael)
- Peopleware: Productive Projects And Teams (DeMarco, Tom & Lister, Timothy)
- Clean Craftsmanship (Martin, Robert C.)
- The Power Of Habit (Duhigg, Charles)
- Kopf frei! (Busch, Volker Dr.)
- Clean Agile (Robert C. Martin)
- Joy, Inc. (Sheridan, Richard)
- The Intelligence Illusion (Bjarnason, Baldur)
- Wild West to Agile (Highsmith, Jim)
- The Checklist Manifesto (Gawande, Atul Dr.)
- Mindset (Dweck, Carol Dr.)
- Extreme Programming Explained (Beck, Kent)
- Tidy First? (Beck, Kent)
- The 4 Stages Of Psychological Safety (Clark, Timothy R. Dr.)
- A Philosophy Of Software Design (Ousterhout, John)
- The Programmer’s Brain (Hermans, Felienne Dr.)
- Pomodoro Technique Illustrated (Nöteberg, Steffan)
- Out of the Software Crisis (Bjarnason, Baldur)
- Thinking in Systems – A Primer (Meadows, Donella)
- [ to be continued ]
- The Big Switch (Carr, Nicholas)
- The Everything Store (Stone, Brad)
- Elon Musk (Vance, Ashlee)
- Steve Jobs (Isaacson, Walter)
- In The Plex (Levy, Steven)
- The Shallows (Carr, Nicholas)
- The Glass Cage (Carr, Nicholas)
- Hatching Twitter (Bilton, Nick)
- Machines Of Loving Grace (Markoff, John)
- Team Of Teams (McChrystal, Stanley)
- The Flash Boys (Lewis, Michael)
- The Big Short (Lewis, Michael)
- Age Of Ambition (Oznos, Evan)
- The Soul Of A New Machine (Kidder, Tracey)
- Zucked (McNamee, Roger)
- [ to be continued ]
“Out of the box“
- The Basic Laws Of Human Stupidity (Cipolla, Carlo M.)
- The Filter Bubble (Pariser, Eli)
- The Last Lecture (Pausch, Randy)
- The Peter Principle (Peter, Laurence J. Dr.)
- Abschied vom Homo Oeconomicus (Dueck, Gunter Dr.)
- Aufbrechen! (Dueck, Gunter Dr.)
- Schwarmdumm (Dueck, Gunter Dr.)
- Verständigung im Turm zu Babel (Dueck, Gunter Dr.)
- Flachsinn (Dueck, Gunter Dr.)
- Wired For War (Singer, Peter)
- Ghost Fleet (Singer, Peter)
- Cyberwar (Clarke, Richard)
- Sapiens (Harari, Yuval Noah Dr.)
- Homo Deus (Harari, Yuval Noah Dr.)
- 21 Lessons For The 21st Century (Harari, Yuval Noah Dr.)
- Radical Technologies (Greenfield, Adam)
- The Dark Net (Bartlett, Jamie)
- Weapons of Math Destruction (O’Neill, Cathy)
- The Perfect Weapon (Sanger, David)
- The Fifth Risk (Lewis, Michael)
- Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now (Lanier, Jaron)
- Permanent Record (Snowden, Edward)
- Nichts ist, wie es scheint (Butter, Michael)
- Mindf*ck (Wylie, Christopher)
- Künstliche Intelligenz und der Sinn des Lebens (Precht, Richard David Dr.)
- Deep Fakes (Schick, Nina)
- Humankind (Bregman, Rutger)
- Click Here To Kill Everybody (Schneier, Bruce)
- The Undoing Project (Lewis, Michael)
- Keine Sinnfragen, bitte! (Dueck, Gunter Dr.)
- On Bullshit (Frankurt, Harry G.)
- This Is How They Tell Me The World Ends (Perlroth, Nichole)
- The War Of Art (Pressfield, Steven)
- Do The Work (Pressfield, Steven)
- World Without Mind (Foer, Franklin)
- Breath (Nestor, James)
- [ to be continued ]